AmigaOS3.5 (112/967)

From:Don Cox
Date:3 May 2000 at 11:09:27
Subject:Re: Installing OS3.5 on A4000T

On 21-Apr-00, John S. Burger wrote:

> Of course there are some silly laws on the books. Many of them are
> from a time when they made sense but are no longer required.
> However, the copyright laws hardly fall into that category.

However, making copyright on software last until 75 years after the
death of the author doesn't seem right. It is rather extreme even for
literature, IMO. There can be books written 150 years ago which are
still in copyright.

Do we really think that some successor to Commodore should still be
getting money from KS1.0 ROM files in the next century?


Don Cox

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